A junior Python developer can do miracles with Shimoku.
No FrontEnd, No BackEnd, No DevOps, No Data Scientist and No Data Engineer required
Easily create serverless AI Apps for all your customers and team members.
No backend databases required, no FrontEnd infrastructure needed
Shimoku Apps are created directly online so that they can be accessed by anyone with control access ready. Serverless storage and infrastructure you don't need to worry about
Shimoku allows you to create a (AI) SaaS company without a fullstack IT and Data team
For unlimited number of users!
You can leverage your Data teams to create pages for your SaaS without constraining IT
Try our AI models and create amazing dashboards in minutes with just a few lines of code. No more dependency on the front-end, back-end, or infrastructure. Be free!
*No credit card required
This includes:
Create profitable projects and increase your efficiency with more advanced AI models and business. All the potential for your most ambitious projects. Start easy now!
This includes:
Empower your organization, democratize your data and turn your entire technology team into citizen data scientist. Save millions with just a few hundred a month.
This includes:
Your project will be ours. You have an ambitious idea but you don't want to spend the millions that the big consultancies charge. Our technology will allow you to achieve it.
This includes:
Build & Manage Data Products with Shimoku fast & with confidence. We skyrocket the way our clients develop Data Products: