For different sectors we have created top of our technology software that disrupt industries for ever!
Arbitrage consisting in buying a stock in a market and selling it in another, or the other way around. This is what happens between NY and HK with stocks such as Alibaba. Shimoku created a software for a NY trading company that allows any arbitrage trader to take better decissions
Together with Aspar Team, Shimoku created a software in 2022 that allows to point out the exact points where every racer has room for improvement so that every racer has a personalized advisor to gain the time to win the world championship
Regenera is a health company based in Spain specialized in microbiome and the psycological effects on it (due to the large amount of neurons in these systems). Shimoku built a software to help any doctor find out what Microbiome alteration is more probable
If you have in mind a software that can disrupt an industry Shimoku technology & team can be your partner to bring it to live.
We have worked with top racing, trading, health companies among others to help them create a software that fits their business model and help them scale
Shimoku platform allows you to get to the MVP months earlier at a fraction of the cost. We have done it for disruptive business models of all kind
Get a demoTo have your software with AI is not all, thanks to Shimoku platform and team you can move and iterate double speed than your competitors creating a gap and disrupting the market
Get a demoBuild & Manage Data Products with Shimoku fast & with confidence. We skyrocket the way our clients develop Data Products: