Retention Prediction


Churn prediction is the process of using data analysis and predictive modeling to forecast which customers are likely to discontinue their relationship with your business. It is a critical component of customer retention strategies, as it allows businesses to proactively identify at-risk customers and take preventive actions to minimize churn. By understanding churn customer behavior, businesses can improve customer satisfaction, reduce revenue loss, and maximize long-term profitability.

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The challenge

The challenge for businesses lies in accurately identifying and addressing customer churn before it happens. Without predictive analytics, businesses often struggle to detect early warning signs of churn and may lose valuable customers without warning. This results in revenue loss, decreased customer satisfaction, and hindered growth potential.

It´s 8x cheaper to retain an existing account than it is to acquire a new customer. Leverage predictive analytics to provide Sales and Customer Success teams actionable insights into what customers may do in the future. Help these teams lower churn through greater customer engagement.

The Solution

Shimoku´s Churn prediction, powered by AI, provides a solution for businesses to pinpoint customers who are more likely to not renew their subscriptions or services. Our platform analyzes historical customer data, engagement metrics, and churn patterns to generate actionable insights that drive retention strategies.

Benefits of Implementing Shimoku´s AI Churn Solution
Prioritize potential churn accounts

Leverage AI Scores to identify and prioritize accounts susceptible to churn.Anticipate potential churners using predictive analytics, allowing for early intervention and cost-effective retention strategies. Utilize predictions to identify high-risk customers and enhance retention campaigns, driving improved success rates and maximizing ROI.

Proactive personalized outreach

Craft personalized emails aimed at enhancing customer value through your product.Leverage predictive insights to personalize outreach strategies, ensuring targeted and effective communication that prevents churn. Make informed decisions about the right treatments for each customer, optimizing effectiveness and resource allocation.

Automate workflows for churn prevention

Integrate predictions seamlessly into your CRM, marketing automation, and other third-party tools to activate potential churn customers.

Understand influences on Churn

Uncover the signals influencing customers' churn behavior. Generate rapid predictions tailored to different definitions of churn and time horizons, adapting to evolving business needs. Understand the signals and reasons behind potential churn on various days, such as day 30, 60, or 365, for effective proactive strategies

Improving customer engagement

Identify product champions

Engage at the right time

Customer satisfaction and enhance loyalty

Maintaining customer satisfaction and enhancing loyalty will improve your market position and strengthen your brand reputation.Enhance customer loyalty through targeted offers.

Strengthen customer loyalty with personalized interactions

Build enduring customer loyalty by fostering personalized interactions that anticipate genuine needs and desires.Quality over Quantity: Reduce Spam, Increase Value. Enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty by minimizing spam and focusing on delivering meaningful value through personalized interactions.

Uploading Historical Data

The journey begins with uploading historical customer data into our platform. By feeding our predictive models with past customer interactions, subscription details, usage and churn indicators, businesses lay the foundation for accurate churn predictions.

Unlocking Growth Opportunities

Our platform goes beyond prediction to unlock growth opportunities hidden within your customer data. By identifying trends, patterns, and customer segments, businesses can tailor retention strategies to specific customer needs and preferences, driving long-term loyalty and revenue growth. The outcome will be a list of customers who are more likely to churn along with a description of the driving factors and barriers behind this scoring.

Identifying trends, patterns, and customer segments

Businesses can tailor retention strategies to specific customer

Driving factors and barriers behind this scoring

Analyzing the Drivers & Barriers Behind AI Churn

In the world of AI, the concept of Explainability has emerged as fundamental for fostering trust and transparency. Despite the significance of AI models, their intricate architectures can often operate as "black boxes," making it challenging for users to understand their underlying mechanisms and decision pathways. Explainability in AI aims to demystify these processes, offering clear, intuitive insights into how algorithms arrive at specific outcomes. This goes beyond technical clarity; it's about establishing a bridge of trust between AI systems and users. Gaining an understanding of how AI models work will enhance your confidence in the system, encourage broader adoption, and ensure alignment with business goals.

Our platform provides an Explainability layer and transparent insights into the factors driving the model's predictions, allowing you to understand the key drivers influencing customer churn behavior. By identifying both positive and negative indicators, you can tailor your tactics to enhance retention and increase the lifetime value of your customers.

From Insights to Action

Embedded within our solution is an actionability layer, serving as the vital link between AI model insights and tangible business results. At Shimoku, we firmly advocate that the essence of AI transcends mere data comprehension; it lies in its ability to instigate actionable change within a company's operations.

Conventional analytics often leave businesses grappling with an overwhelming influx of data, struggling to distill actionable insights. Our approach revolutionizes this norm by not only providing valuable insights but also empowering businesses to swiftly translate them into tangible actions, thus catalyzing monetization and operational efficiency.

Our solution harnesses the power of Generative AI technology to automate the offer creation process for high churn probability customers. Gone are the days of generic, one-size-fits-all outreach. Our AI solution analyzes vast amounts of customer data and model outcomes to craft automatically hyper-personalized offers tailored to each individual which are then seamlessly delivered to them via email.

Fast Integration with Your Tech Stack

Act on the insights generated by our Churn model by activating your data across various touchpoints in your Sales and Customer Success processes. Whether through personalized communications, strategic follow-ups, our solution empowers you to engage potential churn customers at the right time with the right message, driving meaningful interactions and fostering long-term customer relationships.

Shimoku API simplifies the deployment of AI models across various platforms, including web applications, Salesforce, Hubspot, and more. With seamless integration capabilities, businesses can leverage Shimoku's predictive analytics to drive hyper personalization and enhance growth and customer lifetime value.

Maximize the Value of AI With Our Help

Start optimizing your Customer Retention today with Shimoku's advanced AI solution.

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